Worship With Us

Our Sunday Services

North Chapel Sunday Services are held in the Sanctuary at 10 am.

All service reflections will continue to be recorded.

The videos will be available on our YouTube channel here and website below.

To receive our weekly newsletter InTouch, as well as an email with a link to the reflection on YouTube please sign up here.

Sunday Reflections

June 30, 2024

Reflection by Rev. Dr. Leon Dunkley

“Free Pulpit and Pew, Free Spirit”

How important is it to have a free spirit?  What does it mean to allow the soul to soar, particularly when life brings hardship and tragedy?  Let’s talk about the power that we possess as a community that keeps us free.

Video on YouTube


We hope you will join us in supporting the North Chapel with your offerings of time, talent and treasure, as we work together to continue to grow as a strong and vibrant faith community.

The commitment of our members is critical to every aspect of the life of our North Chapel community.

Read about all the ways your generosity is needed and where your skills, efforts, time, and contributions will be appreciated here.

For all financial donations, please use the form on our website here.

Click HERE to read this weeks “InTouch”, our weekly newsletter.

Most of our past Sunday Services videos are available on our YouTube Channel.

Upcoming Service:

Sunday’s Service 

July 7, 2024

Monthly Reflection Themes

Month of June 2024

The June Flowering

The rose is the flower that marks the month of June, beautiful and sweet. The rose is unique but it's hardly the only one that is flowering these days. All around us we see irises and poppies, peonies and delphinium, lilies and lavender and honeysuckle. What beauty and what sweetness is flowering within us?

Previous Sunday Services

June 23, 2024

Reflection by Chard deNiord 

"Bio Note"

“The Two Roads That Diverged In My Yellow Wood And The Voice That Led Me”

As a seminarian at Yale Divinity School in the mid seventies with a wife and two children, I had to decide just how to take Yogi Berra’s impossible advice: “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” The two roads that “diverged in [my] yellow wood,” as that other sage, Robert Frost, put it in his poem, “The Road Not Taken,” were “worn about the same.” So, which one to take? Which one exactly was so “less traveled” that it would "make all the difference" and thereby ultimately “unite my avocation and my vocation/ as my two eyes make one in sight” as Frost writes in another poem titled "Two Tramps In Mud Time" about finding a way to unify his vocation (teaching) with his poetry writing? My talk, titled “Bio Note,” will address this spiritual, as well as professional crisis that led ultimately to my dual vocation as a poet and teacher. 

Chard deNiord is the author of eight books of poetry, most recently Westminster West (Tupelo Press, 2024), In My Unknowing (University of Pittsburgh Press 2020), Interstate (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2019), and The Double Truth (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011). He is also the author of two books of interviews with eminent American poets: Sad Friends, Drowned Lovers, Stapled Songs, Conversations and Reflections on 20th Century Poetry (Marick Press, 2011) and I Would Lie To You If I Could (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018). deNiord is Professor Emeritus of English and Creative Writing at Providence College, co-founder of The New England College MFA Program, and former Poet Laureate of Vermont (2015-2019). He lives in Westminster West, Vermont with his wife, Liz.

Because of technical difficulties the reflection was not recorded on Sunday, June 23.

Memorials and Tributes

We offer a place to honor those who have passed.

All are invited to send photos and stories to the office so that they can be included in the online tributes on this page of our website: https://www.northchapelvt.org/joys-sorrows-milestones/details

Contact us.

North Universalist Chapel Society 7 Church Street, Woodstock VT 05091 Directions/Map

Minister: Rev. Dr. Leon Dunkley can be reached by calling or texting 802-369-5104.

Music Director: Diane Mellinger can be reached at 802-234-6619 or vermontdianem@aol.com

Administrative Assistant: Joanne Boyle can be reached at 802-369-9838 or office@northchapelvt.org 

Director of Spiritual Education: Tatum Barnes can be reached at 646-675-9232 or tatumali1030@gmail.com