Church Notices


Summertime - Lemonade After the Services

Please join us on Sundays after the service on the front porch.

For the month of June the choir will be responsible for refreshments.


Third Act Action We Can All Take!

Do you have a JPMorgan Chase, Citibank, Bank of America or Wells Fargo credit card? Did you know that they are among the top 15 fossil fuel financiers in the world? Want to make the switch to an eco-friendly card?

 Look on the Social Justice page of our website or contact Mary Blanton to learn more!


Leon is back!

Rev. Dr. Leon Dunkley has returned from his sabbatical.

He looks forward to talking with you.

If you would like to connect with him, please give him a call or text him at 802-369-5104.

Leon's Open Office Hours

Tuesdays from 3 to 5 pm and Wednesdays from 12 to 2 pm.

Please text or call or text him to be sure his schedule has not changed.


Donate to the Food Shelf!

Please remember to make a donation to the Woodstock Community Food Shelf. There is a bin in the church entrance where you can drop off your contributions.

Contact Amy McElroy or Judy Williamson for more information.


Emergency Procedures - Send us your Cell Phone Numbers

Last Sunday’s snow and power outage forced us to make the difficult decision of canceling the Sunday service.

Fortunately, last fall, we formulated an Emergency Procedures plan to deal with situations like this.

(Click the link to read the plan.)

Because the internet in Woodstock was unstable we were unable to send an email to members of the congregation until about 9:15 am.

Because we have cell phone numbers for some people we were able to send out text messages to many of you before that.

We are hoping that more of you will be willing to share your cell numbers with the church. Then we can set up a cell phone data base that will enable us to send out emergency texts if the need arises.

Please email your cell numbers to Mary Blanton.

Sincere thanks to you all for your understanding and for passing the word among yourselves last Sunday.


Creative Assistance Needed

Help us revitalize our North Chapel website and increase our presence on social media!

If you are familiar with SquareSpace or other website maintenance, Instagram and Facebook, we could really use your assistance.

Requirements: Fresh eyes, a sense of humor, and a few hours a month.

(Students looking for community service credit welcome!)

Please contact Joanne Boyle, Administrative Assistant.


Do you know a UU who went to college in the Boston area?

Sanctuary Boston is a UU community supporting UU college students in the Boston area. We're building the largest campus ministry program in Unitarian Universalism and we need your help to do it!

If you're a UU who went to college in the Boston area, please fill out this form to connect with us and support UU student leaders:


Kitchen Updates

~From Deb Rice~


If you are planning to use the kitchen in the social hall, to prevent plumbing problems and other damages, please contact Deb Rice beforehand.

Be aware that there are specific directions for the use of the oven and stove as well as the dishwasher and sinks.

Plan to leave the kitchen as you found it, and take home your leftovers unless arrangements have been made.

Thank you.

Composting at North Chapel

Good news!  North Chapel has a new simpler composting system.  No need to separate meat, bones or dairy; ALL food scraps can go in ONE 5 gallon bucket.

Compost will be picked up as needed by Zach Cavacas of Music Mountain Composting from the shed out back, and a clean bucket left for us to use next. This is possible because of the large scale of his operation, which produces Vermont Black Gold garden compost from the scraps.

This keeps money in the local economy, waste out of the landfill, and returns nutrients to the soil.  We will get the household rate of $25 per pickup.

Please share any information, wisdom or history you may know about our North Chapel (Alice’s) kitchen. 

With the inevitable changes over time in membership, and upgrades such as the new stove and new composting procedures, I would like to gather this institutional knowledge before it disappears and create a resource for all of us to share.

Send your thoughts, ideas and questions or suggestions to the office in emails titled “For Alice”. Volunteers will compile and organize these gems in some form and share at a future date TBD.



We are always looking for new musicians to provide music for the Sunday services, especially in the summer. If this is something you'd like to do, please email Diane Mellinger, Music Director at .


Spirit of Life In Sign Language

Polly Forcier would like others to know that they are welcome to come to the altar on Sundays and offer Spirit of Life in sign language. She thought those that have learned it could take turns. Contact Polly if you're interested.


Coffee Hour after the Sunday Services

Here is the schedule of the church groups and committees that will provide coffee hour in the Social Hall on Sundays after the service. Membership and and the Mission statements from these committees can be seen HERE. Please consider joining a volunteer committee!

November: Board of Directors

December: Choir 

2024 - January: Finance Committee

February: Music and Worship Committee

March: Committee on Ministry 

April: Social Justice 

May: Board of Directors

June: Choir 

July: Welcoming, Engagement and Membership Committee (WEMC) 

August: Nominating Committee 

September: Finance Committee 

October: Music and Worship 

November: Committee on Ministry 

December: WEMC

Thanks to all for your donations.


Do You Want a Name Tag?

At the Sunday services, you may have noticed many of us have hand made name tags that we wear on a string around our necks.

They are stored on a board in the entry to the sanctuary.

Want one?

If you’re new, we would love to learn your name.

If you have been a member or friend of North Chapel for a while, you may have lost yours.

Here's an opportunity to replace it.

Just look for Ann Wynia on Sundays. She usually sits in the back row near the guest book table.

She will be happy to take your name and create one for you.

Piano, Bass (Upright and Electric) and Guitar Lessons with Ben Kogan

Hello! I'm here to let you know I'm accepting new students for the Spring and Summer.

I teach many students in the Woodstock and Upper Valley area and have room for a few more. If you've been teaching yourself from the internet and want to be held accountable, are an experienced player looking to better understand your instrument or a parent of a child that has expressed some interest in playing an instrument get in touch! A bit about my teaching below:

  • I teach all levels and most styles.

  • Ages 8 to 88

  • Bluegrass, Jazz, Rock, Classical, Blues, Pop and Boogie Woogie(piano only)

  • By ear or written music

  • Convenient Woodstock Vermont Village Location

  • Custom lessons. I like to teach songs you want to learn and sneak in the theory and technique. I call this tricking people into learning. Depending on the level, I'll suggest some songs then once a certain amount is achieved we can move on to songs you pick.

  • I run a weekly bluegrass etc... Jam Session every other Monday night (May 6, 20, June 3, 17) at the Ottauquechee Yacht Club from 630-9 if you want to come by and say hi.

Feel free to call or email if you'd like to sign up! I only have 3 spots left.

Lessons are held at North Chapel, 7 Church Street, Woodstock, VT 05091

Ben Kogan 305-495-9962


Rental Spaces Available At North Chapel

Sanctuary - Social Hall - Parlor - Library - Meditation Chapel - Private Office Downstairs

The Back Lawn "Riverside Garden" and Pizza Oven

We welcome you to inquire about holding conferences, meetings, classes or events in

any of the spaces at North Chapel.

To see a 3D video of the whole building look here.

Contact the office for a rate sheet and more information.


Tales of Old Woodstock Video!

Here is the link to "Tales of Old Woodstock" produced and directed by Sherry Belisle on YouTube:

We hope you enjoy it. This fundraiser brought in almost $1000 that Sunday!

If you couldn't attend but would like to make a contribution to North Chapel, here is a link to donate: or mail a check to the office.

Thank you to Sherry and all who participated!


Here is Leon's TEDx Talk on YouTube!

"The Radical Flower - Outgrowing Our Social Division"

From YouTube:

Talking about joy and racial justice at the same time is almost impossible. It’s very hard work but it can be done. Our conversations about race and racism become so volatile because they are not yet as beautiful as they need to be. Our conversations do not yet enable us. Flower gets us closer. Through disciplined, graphic analysis of the of the stories that we hear (and the stories that we tell), Flower helps us to better understand this persistent, American challenge… and helps us to overcome it.

For the inaugural year of TEDxHartlandHill in Woodstock, VT, we compiled an amazing group of speakers to dive into the question, "What is Community?" Each speaker taking on all aspects of being our best, kind and open, to create a truly healthy environment.

Rev. Dr. Leon Dunkley leads us through an exercise towards more compassion using an innovative approach that is a wonder to see. The Rev. Dr. Leon Dunkley ministers to the North Universalist Chapel Society in Woodstock, VT. He is a lifelong Unitarian Universalist. The church of his childhood was the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Monmouth County in Lincroft, New Jersey. From this church (and from its minister, Reverend Harold Dean), Leon learned about the sweetness of life. He learned about compassion, peace, and possibility.

Leon received his undergraduate degree from Tufts University and his Ph.D. in Ethnomusicology from the University of Pittsburgh. He studied the traditional drumming of Ghana and the Republic of Zaire, the Kora tradition of Senegal, the Gamelan traditions of Java and Bali in Indonesia, the African American Blues and Jazz tradition(s) throughout the Americas. Most recently, he has taken an interest in Bluegrass and Country Blues.

The joy of life is the best within us becoming possible. So then, how do we best foster the joy of life? A poet writes,

Reaching to the past, we find ourselves less distantly,

trying to remember our tale

Asking of tomorrow just the simple gift of peace,

oceans over ourselves

And, here, to give oneself upon an altar high,

trying to remember our tale

To see and hear within the stillness, to touch and taste the sky,

trying to remember our tale

As if the golden light was in our hands,

As if Silence had whispered my name…

Beholden and here I am

Silent and singing away

How do we commit ourselves to our highest hopes and aspirations? How do we challenge the barriers, the impediments that hold us back?

Leon is currently writing a book entitled The Flower of Impossible Soul. It explores the meaning of spiritual growth and radical forgiveness in the presence of violence and racial strife. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


The North Chapel Directory is Updated Monthly

If you would like a PDF of the newest directory sent to you

or would like a copy printed for you contact the office.


Enlarged Type

Enlarged copies of the weekly bulletin, with the Order of Service and the sheet music of the hymns for the week will be available at the back of the church each Sunday.

Just ask the greeter for a packet.


Assisting Our Community

On Behalf of Pastoral Care - "Circles of Caring"

At some point all of us need assistance. At other times we have have the ability to assist others. Whether you have have personal needs for support or feel a desire to help others in some way contact Anne Marinello or Joanne Boyle for more information or if you would like to be involved in organizing this initiative.

One need we have clearly identified is for driving assistance both for getting folks to and from church for Sunday services, meetings and events as well as for shopping and medical rides.

Some years ago, in the interest of saving gas, we instituted a rideshare program to and from church: some could offer rides, some needed rides. We'd like to consider starting this again but won’t try to carpool while covid is still a challenge. In the meantime, we need more drivers.

Although the Thompson Center has a transportation program which is accessible for medical appointments and shopping trips, it is not available on weekends or in the evening.

Please contact the office if you are willing to drive or if you are in need of a ride.


Woodstock Area Food Shelf

There is a bin to drop off non perishable foods at the entrance to the church. The Woodstock Community Food Shelf maintains an open, well-stocked food shelf providing basic nutrition to our neighbors in times of need.

Learn more and donate here:


North Chapel Listserv News

Since its inception, nearly two thirds of all North Chapel members have subscribed to the North Chapel Listserv and it is fast becoming a popular communication tool among those subscribers.

As a subscriber, you will find in your inbox each morning a “digest” of all messages submitted by members the previous day. If no messages were submitted the previous day then, you will not receive a digest in your inbox for that day.

Subscribing is easy: send an email to the office . In the subject line, please type, “Subscribe Me”.


Is InTouch, our weekly newsletter “lost in the mail”?

Our weekly newsletter. "InTouch" is emailed out each Thursday evening. The Sunday Service reflection is sent out when it is available. I hear that some people don't get this newsletter, or the Sunday Service in their inbox.

We use Constant Contact as our email server and often these emails are sent to spam or promotions folders.

The best way to deal with missing these emails is to add to your contacts list. (This is an email address that we use for certain things, but not the regular office email address.)

(For those of you using Gmail, here are instructions for adding InTouch to your contacts: )

There is also a link to each week's InTouch newsletter on our website here: Bookmarking that page for future use might be helpful.

Finally, if you're having technical difficulties, feel free to contact me. I look forward to helping everyone stay up to date with the news, events, and opportunities offered at North Chapel. Email or call 802-457-2557.

Please share this info?

Thanks, Joanne



The HUB:

  • Is a new program that makes it easier for you to get help during a time of need.

  • Is a central point of contact for you.

  • Is a connection with an experienced community volunteer who responds quickly and will help you get assistance.

  • Is confidential and respectful of your situation, whether due to divorce,job loss, family illness, financial stress, and food or heat insecurity.

  • Can help you if you live in Barnard, Bridgewater, Killington, Plymouth, Pomfret, Reading, or Woodstock.

  • Works with many local organizations such as Barnard Helping Hands and Ottauquechee Health Foundation.

Four Ways to Contact The HUB

  1. Online: Complete an Application at:

  2. Phone: 802-457-7214

  3. Email:

  4. Pick up an Application: Outside the Ottauquechee Health Foundation office at Simmons House at 30 Pleasant Street, Woodstock. The HUB is a Project of Woodstock Community Trust, a non profit 501c3 organization.


Zoom Meeting Safety Protocol

Here are some good ideas for keeping your Zoom meetings safe and secure. 

These ideas are especially important if you are making your zoom invitation public. 


North Chapel will no longer have the zoom address of a public meeting on our website. Instead, there will be a link such as, To join the meeting click here. We have been told this will help to avoid meeting information going to “bots” that scan the internet for access to zoom meetings. 

If you are hosting the meeting:

1. ALWAYS set the meeting up with a waiting room.  This allows you to decide whether or not to let someone into the room.  More importantly it allows you to quickly remove someone from the room if their behavior is inappropriate.  

2. As you are setting up the meeting DO NOT give anyone authority to “share screen” until they are in the meeting.

3. When you invite people to the meeting, we recommend that you ask people to join a few minutes before you’d like to start so you can go through some Zoom etiquette and (if appropriate) let them know that you won’t let anyone join the meeting 10 minutes after you have started. It can be disruptive to have people join late and it is usually inappropriate to interrupt the meeting with etiquette rules.

4. The fastest way to shut down anyone with inappropriate behavior is to mute them and then move them into the waiting room and out of your meeting room.

Before the meeting learn:

how to mute someone

how to turn off someone’s video

how to let someone into the room

how to move someone to the waiting room

how to rename someone

These actions are accessible to the host and co-hosts by clicking on “Participants” at the bottom of your screen. Next to each participant's name there is an icon that offers these options.

It is difficult to write down how to do all these different things, the best way is to spend some time the day before the meeting practicing with someone more experienced than you.  

5. When you start the meeting ALWAYS make another participant the co-host and then they have the same controls as you.  Try to choose someone who does not have another role in the meeting, has a big screen and can be on gallery view so they can always keep some attention on the other participants.  Don’t try and do everything yourself, especially for large meetings. 

6. As people join the meeting, ask them to turn on their videos and “rename” themselves for the meeting if their screen name is not their own, like “My Ipad” or if they are using a nickname. If someone can’t do it themselves, the host or co-host can do it for them. 

7. Take the first few minutes of a meeting to run through the etiquette you want to have in your meeting:

Ask people to keep their videos on whenever possible.

Ask people to mute themselves when they are not speaking and make sure they all know how to do that

Ask people to silence their phones and other thing else that could be disruptive

If you are participating in a meeting:

1. Make sure you are in a quiet place free from distractions

2. Silence your phone and anything else that could beep in your vicinity

3. Put your computer or phone in a stable place so you don’t have to hold it

4. Make sure your room is well lit so everyone can see you - don’t sit in front of a brightly lit window if that makes you dark

5. Join the meeting before the start so you can get settled and the meeting can start on time

6.Turn on your video throughout the meeting, unless you have to leave the screen or move the screen. Then turn your video on again when you are settled.

7. Learn how to mute yourself in case there is any background noise or you want to talk with anyone in your physical space

8. Learn how to name yourself on the screen so that your name appears as you’d like to be addressed.

9. Learn how to leave the meeting so you are in control.


Experience our Church in 3D

Click on the link HERE to take a Virtual Tour! (temporarily unavailable)

Walk through the light-filled Sanctuary then continue through the door on the back left. Turn left and down a few steps to see the first floor Parlor and Library. Head down the large staircase on the right to view the ground floor Social Hall and Kitchen. Step outside and to the left through the side entrance to see our new Meditation Chapel.

For more new photos of the church interior, look here: Event Spaces

This project was developed by the Weddings and Events Task Force in anticipation of renting our spaces for weddings and other events. Photographs by Mark Bluteau courtesy of the Bradley Family.

This page is updated weekly.