Interest Groups & Support Groups


Book Club

The Book Club meets each month.

Our monthly discussions are facilitated by Sherry Belisle who brings lots of experience in leading book discussions as well as her bountiful enthusiasm and creative energy.

Future selections will be based on recommendations from club members and will include a blend of fiction and non-fiction.

To join, contact Sherry Belisile.

Amazing Grays


The Amazing Grays gather once a month to share our thoughts and feelings about getting older and to support one another. We strive to create an environment of safety and trust, to provide a time of quiet as well as a time of sharing, to speak from our own experience, to listen to others with our hearts without judgment, discussion, dialog, question asking, problem-solving or “fixing,” and to treat everything shared as completely confidential.  

For more information, to be on our e-mailing list, or the Zoom link to online meetings contact Richard Shramm.

Covenant Groups

Purpose: Help church members to connect with each other in meaningful ways, so that they can deepen relationships with one another and grow spiritually.
Process: Covenant groups of 8 to 10 members meet monthly to get to know themselves and each other better as they reflect on the experiences, thoughts and feelings of our common humanity. The “covenant” refers to a commitment to participate regularly and fully. Everyone is invited to join.
Contact: Mary Blanton, Veronica Delay or Mary Jeanne Taylor.

Choir Rehearsals

The North Chapel has a very vibrant choir that provides music for most Sundays from September through June.  The group is fun and caring, and all experience levels are welcome with no audition.  We are rehearsing in the sanctuary from 4-5:30 pm every Thursday. 


We sing a variety of styles, from Shape Note to Classical to Gospel, some a cappella, some with piano accompaniment.  

We have between 15 and 25 meeting each week.  Attendance at every rehearsal is NOT required, and singers come and go according to their schedules.  We are always excited about new additions to our group. 

Please contact music director, Diane Mellinger for more information.

All singers welcome!

Contact Diane Mellinger or 802-234-6619.

The Change the World Kids


Mission statement: Dedicated to making the world a better place, locally and globally.
Description: An energetic group of teenagers in grades 7-12 helping people complete jobs that they cannot accomplish themselves as well as people in emergency situations. Some of our work is essential to people’s survival and some to the preservation of the global environment.

Contact them at Change The World Kids.

Learn more at