Events and Activities

Our Church Calendar

Please check the calendar on the link above before scheduling a meeting or event at North Chapel. For more information and to reserve space, email Joanne at the office or call or text 802-369-9838.

Killington Music Festival

Sunday, July 7, 2024 from 4:00 pm in the Sanctuary

On Sunday July 7th Pentangle Arts is proud to present a Special Classical Concert from the Killington Music Festival.

Young, Vibrant Bass Soloist Marc Andre will dazzle the audience as he joins pianist Simon Ghraichy in duos of some of the most recognized tunes in music. Also Featuring KMF Faculty in Glinka’s Grand Sextet and Bowen’s Phantasy, a KMF Premier featuring Bass Clarinet and Strings. Admission is Free!

Committee Cafe

Tuesday, July 9th at 6:30 in the Social Hall

Thanks to positive feedback, we have decided to resume quarterly Committee Cafe meetings, on the second Tuesday of each quarter.

We will each bring our own food. 

It is important that at least one person from each committee attend.

Of course everyone is welcome!

This will be a time to both connect with one another and to share any information about our committee that is not confidential, but is pertinent to all of us.

We will also talk a bit about the current committee structure, how it is working and/or if you feel there are changes that would help make the running of the church more efficient. 

Hope to see you there!


Listening to Our Lives

Sharing Stories, Making Connections

and Strengthening Friendships

With Leon Dunkley, Mary Blanton and Richard Schramm

Wednesday, July 10th at 3:30 pm in the North Chapel Parlors  

Coffee, Tea and Light Refreshments

In these stressful times, here’s an opportunity to share what’s happening in our lives – our joys, concerns, triumphs, struggles – and to listen to the happenings of others in the North Chapel, supporting one another in the process. Participants are invited to take a turn, share their stories, be heard by others, and ask for listener responses if they would like questions or suggestions. When others are sharing, our job is to listen actively and to engage with the speaker when asked. Our hope is that everyone will leave feeling better, more connected, more resilient.

We’ll use a talking stick to facilitate careful listening and clear, uninterrupted speaking, and pass the stick around so that everyone gets a chance to share their stories.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Richard Schramm. 


Wednesday Nights are Pizza Nights!

Every Wednesday through August 20th pizza making and baking start at 5 on the back lawn! We will bake until 6:30pm. We will provide the pizza dough, sauce and cheese. Please bring toppings to share and anything else you want to eat.

Don't miss the fun. Please come and bring your family or a friend!

We appreciate your donations and now take Venmo.


Please contact Mary Blanton if you can volunteer to start the fire or help cook the pizzas.


Help Wanted at North Chapel

Tatum Barnes, our Spiritual Exploration Director, could use some assistance on Sunday mornings when there are more than 10 children heading down to the classroom during the service.

If you would like to help or know of another task that needs to be done at the church or you need help with a church project, please contact Mary Blanton for a future help wanted post.


July Book Club

Thursday, July 18th at 7 pm on Zoom

Are you ready for hilarious? You're sure to laugh out loud at Gerald Durrell's memoir My Family and Other Animals about growing up on the Greek island of Corfu in the 1930's. Tutors want to educate him but all he wants to do is run around with the animals. The language is beautiful and evocative. Mark your calendar for July 18th.    

Contact Sherry Belisle at 802-457-1919 for the Zoom link and more information.

Free Window Inserts Available

Save Energy and Stay Warm this Winter!

Drafty Windows? High Heating Bills? This fall, Sustainable Woodstock will be making custom-built, interior storm window inserts for the residents of: Woodstock, Pomfret, Barnard, Bridgewater, Plymouth, Hartland, and Reading. The inserts are easy to install, removable, and reusable. They let light in, keep drafts out, and reduce heating costs. We are now taking applications for inserts! Inserts will be offered on a first come, first served basis. Inserts are free, and there is a limit of 10 inserts per household. The inserts are high quality and low cost because they are built at barn-raising-style Community Builds. Everyone who orders inserts also participates in the Community Build. Learn more about the inserts at

The income levels to qualify for free inserts are:

Number of People in Household (including children) -Total Annual Household Income

1 person - $86,000

2 people - $98,400

3 people - $110,600

4 people - $122,800

5 people - $132,800

If you are near these levels, please reach out to discuss!

Sign-up for free inserts now by contacting: Heather Knoll, Program Coordinator at Sustainable Woodstock: 802-296-1595 or

There will be a build again at North Chapel In September!

Sign-up site here!


Rental Spaces Available At North Chapel

Sanctuary - Social Hall - Parlor - Library - Meditation Chapel - Private Office Downstairs - The Back Lawn "Riverside Garden" and the Pizza Oven

We welcome you to inquire about holding conferences, meetings, classes or events in any of the spaces at North Chapel.

Contact the office or look here for a rate sheet and more information.


Change the World Kids Rising!

We are a group of energetic third through sixth grade age kids who are dedicated to making the world a better place. We have a wide variety of interests, talents, and personalities, and go to different schools, but we share a dream.

Change the World Kids Rising is FUN! As part of the group, you undertake both humanitarian and environmental projects that benefit our local communities and across the globe. You identify things of concern, and work to make things better. We partner with teen-run Change the World Kids, helping them address issues such as food justice, heat insecurity, climate change, assisting community members in need, destruction of wildlife habitat, and more. We work for free.

Joining the group, or looking into learning more about the group first-hand, is easy. Come to one of our Sunday meetings or email or call. We meet from 10:00-11:00 on the second Sunday of each month, upstairs in the Artistree gallery building, entering from the door on the driveway side.

If you have questions, please email Skye at or or call Phyllis at 802-229-0443

Our motto is, “No one can do everything, but everyone can do something!” We hope to see you soon!


North Chapel Photo Scavenger Hunt

By Linda Galvao

This is a challenge for old and new members and friends of North Chapel.

We hope you will enjoy searching for the locations of the 44 images taken in public areas inside and outside the church during the Spring of 2023.

You can bring the images up on your phone or get a hard copy from the office.

Click HERE for a PDF to download and open on your phone.

Have fun hunting!


Ongoing Activities


For more detailed information about our regularly scheduled activities, read more on our Interest Groups page.

Keep an Eye on Our Church Calendar



Sunday Services: Sunday Services are at 10 am: The Sunday Reflections email will go out when the video is available and the video link will be posted here. Our past Sunday Services videos are available here and on our YouTube Channel here.

Coffee Hour: Join us in the Social Hall for beverages and conversations after the service. To volunteer contact Mary Blanton

Amazing Grays - First Sunday of each month at 1 pm on Zoom. We meet online at 1 pm to share thoughts and feelings about getting older and to support one another. See more information below or contact Richard Schramm

Social Justice Meetings: Second Sunday of each month at 11:30 in the Parlor: Contact Joelle Seavey

Potluck Lunches - Third Sunday of Each Month in the social hall after the service. Join us and take these opportunities to get together with old friends and meet new members and their families. We can always use your assistance in setting up and cleaning up as well. This is another way we build and strengthen our community.

Healing Circle  -Third Sunday of each month from 11:30-12:30 in the Parlor. We gather together in a small circle and we share about our lives.  The Healing Circle is one way we come together to share about the challenges that are in our lives.  The Healing Circle allows us to share our joys and our sorrows.  It allows us to share our lives with one another in a quieter, more intimate way.  Come join us.



Oneness Blessing: Every Monday from 5-6 pm. Led by Mary Blanton. Contact Mary Blanton for the Zoom link.



Choir Rehearsal:  - Thursdays, 4:15-5:45 pm. Please contact music director, Diane Mellinger, and see more information on our Choir Page.

Oneness Meditation Center:  Meets every Thursday from 6:00-7:00 pm. Led by Anne Dean in the Meditation Chapel and on Zoom. Please join us as we gather to celebrate Spiritual community.  Whether you are new to the spiritual path or a seasoned meditator, we welcome you to our weekly gatherings. We will be offering you teachings, practices and all the compassionate support and connection you need to create peace in your life from a beautiful state of being.

Book Club: Usually meets on the third Thursday of the month at 7 pm. Led by Sherry Belisle.


Throughout the Year

Covenant Groups

Covenant Groups help church members to connect with each other in meaningful ways, so that they can deepen relationships with one another and grow spiritually.
Covenant groups of 8 to 10 members meet monthly to get to know themselves and each other better as they reflect on the experiences, thoughts and feelings of our common humanity. The “covenant” refers to a commitment to participate regularly and fully. Everyone is invited to join.
Contact: Mary Blanton , Veronica Delay and Mary Jeanne Taylor.

Other Activities at North Chapel


Om Center for Meditation

Every Thursday from 6:00 - 7:00 pm in the Meditation Chapel

The Oneness Meditation Center is now open.

Please join us as we gather to celebrate Spiritual community. Whether you are new to the spiritual path or a seasoned meditator, we welcome you to our weekly gatherings. We will be offering you teachings, practices and all

the compassionate support and connection you need to create peace in your life from a beautiful state of being.

Meditation mats and chairs provided. Bring water if you would like to. No fee.

For information contact Anne Dean, or Sarah Hall


Guitar, Bass and Piano Lessons with Ben Kogan

Hello! I'm here to let you know I'm accepting new students for the Fall. I

teach many students in the Woodstock and Upper Valley area and have room

for a couple more. If you've been teaching yourself from the internet and

want to be held accountable, are an experienced player looking to better

understand your instrument or a parent of a child that has expressed some

interest in playing an instrument get in touch! 

A bit about my teaching below:

Piano, Bass (Upright and Electric) and Guitar

   - I teach all levels and most styles.

   - Ages 8 to 88

   - Bluegrass, Jazz, Rock, Classical, Blues, Pop and Boogie Woogie(piano only)

   - By ear or written music

   - Convenient Woodstock Vermont Village Location

   - Custom lessons. I like to teach songs you want to learn and sneak in the theory and technique. I call this tricking people into learning. Depending on the level, I'll suggest some songs then once a certain amount is achieved we can move on to songs you pick.

Feel free to call or email if you'd like to sign up! I only have 2 or 3 spots left.

Ben Kogan 305-495-9962