What the Endowment Fund Will Achieve

We envision a future North Chapel that has the secure and sustainable resources needed to continue its 185-year heritage as an open and welcoming spiritual sanctuary, a loving church community, and a beacon of social action in our broader community. To achieve that vision, we need to create a strong financial foundation through the Endowment Fund.

The recommended size for any nonprofit’s endowment fund is at least twice the annual budget. For North Chapel, that is approximately $500,000 – the target set for this initiative. We hope to raise this amount either in current gifts to the fund or in commitments to name North Chapel in the estate plans of our donors.

The Endowment Fund

Ensuring That the Many Wonderful Aspects of North Chapel Remain Healthy Long into the Future


A Loving Spiritual Sanctuary

The North Universalist Chapel Society offers a liberal spiritual philosophy that accepts that truth and meaning can be found in all faiths.

Sunday worship services combine music, poetry, meditative silence and inspiring reflection, and call us to lead our lives with wisdom and compassion.

  • Adaptability has allowed us to deliver these services online during the pandemic.

  • Our Meditation Chapel offers a space for meditative and contemplative practices, either individually or in scheduled sessions throughout the week.

  • Spiritual Exploration activities allow children them develop an ethical foundation for a lifelong search for truth and meaning.


Welcoming Fellowship

North Chapel is a welcoming community that aims to make all feel safe, respected and comfortable in being themselves.

Members and guests find connection in a variety of social, educational and spiritual forums that build relationships based on acceptance, love and support. A few examples:

  • The Sunday Coffee Hour is a time for connection and discussion after the service.

  • The Amazing Grays share thoughts and feelings about getting older.

  • The Church Choir is a fun-loving group whose music fills the church each Sunday.

  • Circle Dinners provide convivial conversation over good food.

  • The Divorce Support Group offers a forum for sharing and providing mutual support.


A Beacon of Social Action

Members have long put their faith into action by helping to make our community – and the world – more just, fair and sustainable.

  • In recent years, North Chapel has helped give birth to the Change the World Kids, Woodstock Affordable Housing, Sustainable Woodstock and Bookstock.

  • Nationally and internationally, North Chapel has offered direct post-hurricane support and has sponsored six Cambodian orphans.

  • Our commitment to Strengthening Families, Building Community has resulted in the creation of a dozen programs aimed primarily at helping the most disadvantaged families and children in our community.


Why North Chapel Needs an Endowment


How to Contribute